23 May 2013

Half-half of 2013

It's going to be mid-year soon! And many things happened during the first half of 2013. I guess everything that happened made me a better person, or so I assume.

1. My bestfriend, Dawn, died.
2. My boyfriend went abroad to work.
3. I passed the IELTS.
3. My responsibility in the CCU increased.
4.  My grandmom got sick.
5. I'm fully living on my own (or maybe quarterly partial) in my NikkiHouse.
6. I quit on bad vices.

Along with these events are personal developments and and realizations. Right now, I want to improve more. I want to do thing I used to not do. And so, I made a list of things I want to do.

1. Plant plants and take care of them
2. Read more books
3. Read all the Nursing books I bought
4. Exercise at least three times a week
5. Keep away from bad vices
6. Limit chocolate intake
7. Eat veggies
8. Make a lifestyle blog
9. Put benches outside my NikkiHouse (made to oder, IF I HAVE MONEY)
10. Continue posting whatever videos on my youtube channel

I am excited and at the same time anxious about what the next half of 2013 has in store for me. I am looking forward for a career-development event and also for Hubsy's homecoming.

I am aiming for a better me for the next months.

How about you, what do you want to do?

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